
50 undergraduate departments
49 master’s programs
23 in-service master’s programs
18 SOCE departments
ONE 2-year in-service academic department

International Partners

463 sister schools globally
Student Population > 26,000


> 12,000 alumni from the Beijing era
> 220,000 alumni since the school’s re-establishment in Taiwan

School History


Fu Jen Catholic University (FJCU) was founded in Beijing in 1925 by the Benedictines of St. Vincent Archabbey (USA). 


Originally named Fu Jen Academy, it was approved by the Beiyang government in 1927 for its pilot phase, and had its name changed to the current iteration, derived from a phrase in the Analects which reads “The superior man on grounds of culture meets with his friends, and by friendship helps his virtue”(以文會友,以友輔仁).


In 1929, the school applied to the Nationalist government’s Ministry of Education to be officially listed as a university. 


In 1933, the running of the university was handed over to the Society of the Divine Word, and in 1952 a reshuffling of the universities in China resulted in a merger with Beijing Normal University. 


In 1959, the Chinese Regional Bishops Conference of Taiwan, the Society of the Divine Word, and the Society of Jesus co-managed the re-establishment of the school in Taiwan, and in the following year FJCU received approval from the Education Ministry.


In 1961, the Graduate School of Philosophy began recruitment of master students.


In 1963, the university, situated in the Xinzhuang area in then-Taipei County, began officially recruiting undergraduates for its 10 departments in 3 colleges.

Fu Jen Alumni Associations

Alumni associations to act as a bridge between FJCU and its alumni, building connections through the activities and promotion of these associations so as to continue the Fu Jen spirit.

Alumni Associations
Alumni Events

Alumni associations to act as a bridge between FJCU and its alumni, building connections through the activities and promotion of these associations so as to continue the Fu Jen spirit.

  • 49 independent alumni associations all over the world, including:
  • 4 main associations:
    • Fu Jen Worldwide Alumni Association
    • Fu Jen ROC Alumni Association
    • Fu Jen North America Alumni Association
    • Fu Jen Europe Alumni Association
  • 9 regional associations in Taiwan
  • 15 regional associations in the Americas
  • 8 regional associations in Europe
  • 13 regional associations in the Asia Pacific/Australia area
  • 73 department-level alumni associations


Sister Universities All over the World
FJCU has established sister-school relationships with 463 universities worldwide. More than half of them have entered into agreements for student exchange programs, and nearly 300 oversea students from Europe, America, Asia and Oceania come to FJCU for the exchange program every year. Our students also have the opportunity to select an exchange program from our sister schools around the world. (Statistical data were updated as of August 2021).
Close Communications with the Associations of Catholic and Christian Universities and Colleges
FJCU actively communicates with the member schools of the Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia (ACUCA) and the Association of Southeast and East Asian Catholic Colleges and Universities (ASEACCU). It encourages teachers and students from all departments to actively participate in the annual activities of ACUCA and ASEACCU.
Dual Degree Programs
FJCU has signed 31 dual degree programs with universities across Europe, America, Asia and Oceania including the University of Bayreuth (Germany), Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), Temple University (USA), The Catholic University of America (USA), Georgetown University (USA), Oklahoma State University (USA), Renmin University of China (Asia), Iowa State University (USA), Widya Mandala Catholic University (Indone- sia), Queensland University of Technology (Australia), University of Ramon Llull (Spain), and Sungkyunkwan University (Korea).
Exchange of International Students – Enhancing Students’ International Mobility
To encourage students to study aboard and expand their global view, FJCU also provides scholarships for “Studying in Sister Universities,” grants for “Oversea Industrial Internship,”and related scholarships and grants, in addition to the “Lifting Me Up,” “Cherishing Me Like a Pearl” and “Building Dreams” scholarships offered by the Ministry of Education for excellent students to study aboard. In the academic years from 2018 to 2020, a total of 1,014 FJCU students went to our sister universities for exchange, and scholarships were approved for 513 students to study aboard, and the grants were granted to 27 students for oversea internships (Statistical data were updated as of April 2021).
Performance on Counseling Foreign Students
FJCU has continuously received the MOE’s honorable mention as an excellent university for counseling foreign students for work, for having excellent personnel and senior personnel, and for taking good care of foreign students. In addition to various scholar- ships, the Overseas Student Office and the International Student Center also provide life counseling, campus cultural exchange activities and social associations, as well as free Chinese language courses, so that foreign students can gain rich experiences and a sense of belonging.
High-quality Chinese Language Teaching
The Center of Chinese Language and Culture founded in 1964 is the second oldest Chinese language center in Taiwan, and an excellent Chinese language center as assessed by the MOE. The Center has approximately 950 students each year. It provides year-round classes, private classes, professional courses, study tours and other related courses. The Center adopts small classes of 4~7 students to provide high-quality teaching and achieve outstanding learning results.
Fu Jen Global
The Fu Jen Global is a key emphasis in FJCU’s efforts vis-à-vis internationalization. It will offer all-English degree programs in the future that attract students and possess a competitive advantage on the international stage. It will also collaborate with the school’s EU Center and India Center as well as other programs to offer interdisciplinary modules and courses.

Facilities and Resources

School Resources
  • The Center of Information Technology records show that there are 15 computer labs with over 800 computers available on campus
  • Wi-Fi coverage available at all buildings and spaces on campus.
  • The school also offers TANet Roaming and Eduroam, giving teachers and students alike the convenience of using their FJCU account to gain access to the Internet at other educational institutes that offer the aforesaid networks as well.
  • All FJCU courses are linked up with TronClass online learning platform, and there is an online English Self-Learning Center, AIEDL courses and other online resources along with campus software downloads provided for FJCU teachers and students.
  • FJCU established the Interdisciplinary College and the College of Foreign Languages and Literatures Fr. Franz Giet Building among other facilities as enhanced learning spaces.
  • The school also has a School of Professional and Continuing Education, an Indigenous Students Resource Center, a Campus Ministry Center, a Center for the Arts, a Creative Design Center, and a Student Counselling Center and so forth.
Sports and Athletics
  • Guizi Sports Center
  • a FIFA-approved artificial turf
  • basketball courts
  • volleyball courts
  • badminton courts
  • an indoor swimming pool
  • table tennis courts
  • a sports injury infirmary
  • a rhythmic center
  • a judo training hall
  • a gymnastics center
  • a fitness center
Student Life
  • 7 student dormitories (supplied with air-conditionings, study desks, Wi-Fi, wardrobes, individual shower facilities, spin dryers, washing machines (metered service) and other facilities)
  • 5 food courts on campus (providing both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options)
  • 3 convenience stores
  • 2 EZMY cafes
  • campus bookstore
  • an optical shop
Educational Facilities
  • the Fahy library
  • the Kungpo library
  • the Cardinal Shan library
  • with over 1 million books, along with hardcopy journals, electronic journals, e-books, an E-Resources database, and audiovisual resources among other resources. 
  • learning spaces provided for students: group study areas, personal study rooms, writing centers, a learning commons, a video-record- ing room, a multimedia production room and so forth.
  • the library has greatly enhanced the digital learning framework, providing rich resources for online self-learning courses, while also actively promoting the use of our library resources.
  • The library is also part of library communities such as RapidILL and NDDS, and also has collaborations with libraries from other schools and academic institutions, in turn offering convenient service via these collaborations.

Student Learning and Support

Student Government and Club Activities
FJCU has nearly one hundred student clubs and organizations which are divided into six categories: academic, leisure and social, service, physical fitness, arts, and music. It also has about 80 autonomous organizations distributed in the 12 colleges and continuing education departments. Students can join these clubs freely to learn a variety of knowledge, get together with different types of students, train their communication and cooperation with others, and achieve the ideal of appropriate development.
Students’ Career Counseling
A career and vocational help system (CVHS) and a three-stage career counseling mechanism were established to assist students in exploring and planning career development through offering a variety of career information and career activities. Supplemented by the “Internship and job hunting” platform, and “Enterprise recruitment activities,” FJCU helps students to transfer from school to workplace smoothly.